Tremolo uses only basic routing and built-in re module. There are no difficult abstractions, and never will.
The following will handle and query string (if any).
async def hello_world(**server):
yield b'Hello '
yield b'world!'
Regular expression
To be recognized as a regex string, at least the path must start with ^
or end with $
The following will match for example with,, and so on.
async def my_page(request):
page_id = request.params.path.get('page_id', b'1')
# Tremolo often uses bytes-like objects as is,
# rather than converting to str or int.
# so do not assume page_id is an int.
yield b'You are on page ' + page_id
The regex syntax above uses named groups which you can learn more about at
You can always check what kind of data is received if using regex in request.params.path
. It’s a dict object.
It is worth noting that the routing has a limitation, which is that you cannot capture the beginning of the path. So it requires a prefix like /page/
because Tremolo makes use of prefixes for caching.
Custom 404 page
async def my_error_page(**server):
return 'This is my custom 404 page.'