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Middleware is like MITM. It can intercept requests before they are processed by handlers, and responses before they are sent to the client/browser.

Tremolo has two kinds of middleware that can be created. Which are on_request and on_response.

The on_request allows you to put certain code globally at the very front. You can filter, authenticate, then halt (if necessary) before the request goes to / is processed by handlers.

Middleware can be used to extend functionality. For example, tremolo-session is built upon middleware.

Let’s say we have a hello_world handler:

async def hello_world(**server):
    yield b'Hello'
    yield b'World!'

Normally, the response will be as follows if you do curl -i http://localhost:8000/hello:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2023 03:22:36 GMT
Server: Tremolo
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Connection: keep-alive

Hello World!

Middleware in action

As Tremolo supports arbitrary request methods, You can halt for example if the received request method is neither GET nor POST:

from tremolo.exceptions import BadRequest

async def my_request_middleware(**server):
    request = server['request']
    response = server['response']

    if request.method not in (b'GET', b'POST'):
        response.set_status(405, 'Method Not Allowed')

        """Halt with return.

        The request will end at this point.
        The next middlewares (if any), and handlers
        will not be executed.
        return b'Request method %s is not supported!' % request.method

async def hello_world(**server):
    yield b'Hello'
    yield b'World!'

You might notice, other than using return to halt, you can raise an HTTPException:

from tremolo.exceptions import BadRequest, MethodNotAllowed
# ...

    if request.method not in (b'GET', b'POST'):
        raise MethodNotAllowed('Request method', request.method.decode(), 'is not supported!')
# ...

The response result of curl -X FOO -i http://localhost:8000/hello will be as follows:

HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 36
Connection: close
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2023 03:30:45 GMT
Server: Tremolo

Request method FOO is not supported!


In addition to on_request and on_response middleware, there are also decorators such as on_connect and on_close.

They are actually part of the Middleware. But will rarely be used in most applications. They provide you more control, for example when you create a proxy application based on Tremolo.

async def on_close(**server):
    print('=== CLOSED ===')

Middleware Sequences

These are middleware flows assuming the return value None is used on them.

Request  --> on_connect[1,2,3] --> on_request[1,2,3]
         \                      ^        |
          `.....................'        v
                Keep-Alive            handler
Response <------------------------ on_response[3,2,1]
    '------> on_close[3,2,1]