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Below are some parameters that can be used in app.listen() or


E.g. 'localhost', '', etc.

In Tremolo, '::' means listen on all IPv6 interfaces, but also enables dual-stack support.


E.g. 8000, 8080, etc.


The default is True.


The default is 16. Please read Inter-process Synchronization.

Note that this setting is not available in ASGI server mode.


The default is 1.


Restart the worker if this limit (in KiB) is reached (Linux-only).

Defaults to 0 or unlimited.


The default is 100.


If you want to enable https, fill this parameter with a dict for example:

ssl={'cert': '/path/to/fullchain.pem', 'key': '/path/to/privkey.pem'}

The default is None.


By using the debug=True, A backtrace will also included in the error message. You should disable this in production with debug=False.

If you do not pass this parameter, the default value is False.


You can set this to True to enable worker reloading on code changes. Only Intended for development.


To Disable built-in WebSocket support, you can set this to False. The default is True or enabled.

To disable it in the ASGI server mode, use --no-ws.


Maximum payload size for the built-in WebSocket.

The default is 2 * 1048576, or 2MiB.


The default is 'DEBUG' (string). For more info, please check


Python’s log format. If empty defaults to '%(message)s'.


A fully qualified event loop name. E.g. 'asyncio' or 'asyncio.SelectorEventLoop'. It expects the respective module to already be present.

The default is 'asyncio'.


Limits the sending speed to the client / download speed per second.

The default is 1048576, which means 1MiB/s or 8.39Mbps.

If you want to increase the value too far from the default value, ideally you should also increase the buffer_size too.

You can also apply download rate per handler using rate.


Limits the upload / POST speed.

The default is the same as download_rate, 1048576.


The maximum amount of data at each, and each “write” to the client. The default is 16384, or 16KiB.

On write, the buffer_size value is also used to determine the watermark. With buffer_size=16384, the high value of the watermark will be 4x or 65536, and the low value will be 0.5x or 8192.

You can also apply buffer_size in the handler or response.write().

In the case of response.write() (may be called multiple times), only the first is considered.

But do not passing different buffer_size each time in the response.write().


Maximum body on requests such as POST / file upload.

The default is 2 * 1048576, or 2MiB.


The default is 8192, or 8KiB.


Maximum number of buffers in the queue, for a connection. Exceeding these limits the connection will be aborted.

The default is 128.


The maximum period between when the client connects, until the server receives the data.

The default is 30 seconds.


Maximum client inactivity time in HTTP keep-alive state.

The default is 30 seconds.


Maximum number of keep-alive connections.

The defaults is 512 (connections/worker). The oldest, or 513th will be kicked out.

This value often gives false impressions on benchmarks. A good benchmark uses concurrency between 1 - 500. If you want to use concurrency above 1000, you must increase this value, ulimit, and possibly worker_num. Otherwise you will see a lot of connections being dropped.


The common term for this is “maximum execution time”. The default is 120 seconds.

This is a redundant protection. To make sure the task on the handler / ASGI app ends within a certain amount of time, thus preventing poorly written applications, or unwanted never-ending stream scenarios. Especially if it has not been covered by any of the timeouts above.


async def my_handler(**server):
    await asyncio.sleep(123)

    # will be killed before it even returns value
    return 'OK'

Note that the WebSocket/upgraded connection will not be affected. And won’t work if you are running a blocking function, such as time.sleep() inside it.


This is another handler timeout similar to app_handler_timeout, but it is initiated when the client connection is lost and the handler is still running for some reason. The default is 30.

It is possible that it is initiated while app_handler_timeout is still waiting. And the lowest timeout takes precedence.


Maximum number of seconds to wait after SIGTERM is sent to a worker process. During this time it can still accept new connections. For a quick shutdown you can set this to 0.

Defaults to 30 (seconds).


Set the Server field in the response header.

The default is b'Tremolo'.